How Are You COPING?
The Many Faces of Love and Care
A must-read book for people facing caregiving.

Travel through the depth of loneliness, the moments of consternation with tenderness and the grace of caregiving throughout the pages of Coping.
Meet Lisa, whose mother broke her back soon after her father died. Lisa had to drive hours to attend to her mom. How did they solve this?
Read about Anuj who finds that his wife’s agitation can be helped with music.
Coping is not a conventional “how to” guide with medical insight. Instead, it astonishes readers to see human kindness amidst tears and unexpected laughter.
The book is short, practical, and hopeful. Most of the stories can be read while waiting at the doctor’s office with your loved one.
Experiencing fear and anger are not uncommon, yet lead to understanding you are not alone.
Names and locations were changed for privacy.
Click the Buy Now Button to purchase the book directly from my Amazon page.
New 4 YOU
Why Am I Writing?
Recently I thought about quitting my writing, since I don’t have much time to write or read. Over a year ago I wrote Coping: The Many Faces of Love and Care. I’m ready to return to writing about small towns for your travels.
I could moan and groan about life, but I want to share happiness, again. I want to see and hear others enjoying what they do, in places like Tomball and Lufkin. Maybe, I’ll write about Brenham, but not about their ice cream. I want families, friends, seniors and youngsters to cheer for short trips.
After pondering my reality, I realized it is MY decision what I want to write, despite the publishers who suggest writers should stick with one purpose. It is MY decision to be happy, despite all the sadness around us today. Many of us feel trapped with the new chaotic world. I want to write about museums, history, art and restaurants for your travels
Watch this space – New 4 You – for my new stories or wander through the past stories on the Travel Articles page. Let me know how you like the stories. I can be reached at
Truth is, I’m excited about this!
Lucky in Lufkin
My grandson loves travel. He doesn’t care where we go, but once we mention a location, he pesters his dad and anyone within hearing distance to get in the car. My husband and I enjoy taking him on jaunts within two hours of his home, so that he doesn’t miss his schooling and other activities. Fortunately, many small towns share historic and fascinating stories.
Lufkin is a little more than two hours away from our home. Our grandson had been raising his voice loudly about Lufkin. He researched the route to drive. I researched the area to find educational fun for the three of us.
So what was so lucky about this trip?