Ecosystems are not just about recycling trash. Ecosystems are important to us in many ways. Whether you are an Oceanographer, an Arborist, a Semiconductor Engineer, a Truck Driver or a Traveler, we must think about our ecosystems. If you read Pamela Slim’s book Body of Work, you’ll understand that more and more people focus on their personal ecosystems as their network. Who is or could be in your ecosystem?
Understanding Your Ecosystems
In a previous article you assessed who you are, but called it your Avatar. Starting with your Avatars, you gain momentum to see who the important individuals may be in your network or ecosystems. Do you like NPR or rock? Do you enjoy Adventure or Sci-Fi movies? Who are your friends? Are they diverse or similar to you? How do you spend your money? Determine who is selling to you and you can grasp who is in your ecosystem.

My obsession with cool shoes for weary feet make me an ideal candidate for pop-up ads for shoes. Based on where I go online, big companies know to market to me. I’m a target for excellent customer service, such as Zappos and Nordstrom’s, don’t you think?
My friend Chitra Gupta, is a role model with her latest commercial building. She wants entrepreneurial endeavors in her building, to encourage interaction. A CPA, a hair salon, a church, and a travel agency lease from her with enthusiastic response from other entrepreneurs who may join. On the top floor, she has ping pong tables and space for collaboration and various Meet-Ups. She and her entrepreneurial son Chirag Gupta embrace the spirit of creativity, sharing and helping others throughout the building. This is what Pamela Slim is promoting in her book, when she mentions “Ecosystems.” You may have various systems that help you move to the next step in your life, whether it’s to self-employment, a new spouse or job. You may find a lead for a new position through your volunteer “ecosystem” or start dating someone in your alum group. Perhaps you find you want to start a side business and create your “ecosystem” with a like minded friend.
Choosing Your Ecosystems
Paul Boag in his article titled Three Vital Factors to Consider When Creating a Social Network Ecosystem, asks:
Does it reach an audience that my other channels do not reach?
Do I have the time to effectively support this channel?
Does it provide me with functionality not available elsewhere?
Once you develop your Avatar, you will need to align with collaborators who can create synergy. Is your ecosystem focused on healthy living? Being kind to the earth? Being a better parent? Looking for new challenge or career change? Innovative companies, such as the cloud computing companies, know all about ecosystems. Architects know the value of being green. Let’s join the parade!
You may see the term used in this manner and many other ways. We have virtual cities, virtual interviewing, but for you to succeed faster and better, building a network or ecosystem can escalate your time to success!
Next week you’ll hear about Watering Holes for your next steps, another term from Body of Work by Pamela Slim.