“Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.” Brian Tracy

“Susan” looks forlorn, lower than a tadpole waiting to become a frog. Her rosy cheeks are stained from fallen tears. Why? As she sits behind her computer, fretting and twisting her hair, she cannot find openings which fit her background. She lost her job several months ago. What is wrong with this picture? Perhaps a serious case of “zone-itis” or staying in the same spot, trying the same methods over and over. Is she a perfectionist? Is she looking for the perfect job?
Do you relate to Susan? Do you find making decisions difficult? Are you overwhelmed with too many options, not knowing which will work best? Perfectionists and Procrastinators find job search particularly harrowing. Hospitalization is not necessary. Leaving a comfort zone is not recognized as a pathological problem, but immobilization can squeeze the breath out of you.
Essential Tips
Henrick Edberg’s article shares “Brian Tracy’s 11 Essential Tips to Living a Successful Life.” Let’s concentrate on decisions.
Tip 10: “Make a decision. Any decision. Just do something.”
Whether looking for another job or eliminating stress from your life, quit whining. Pick a maximum of three options and focus.
Susan likes to write, speak to groups, facilitate groups, counsel and teach others. Although successful using all the skills in different jobs, she jumps from industry to industry.
She’s unfocused again. She loves going to school, but she’s in her early 60s. Discrimination looms in the background with age, despite adding new skills. Can she afford another entry level job? Her persuasive personality convinces employers to hire her. Once she hones her focus, life will become easier.
Helpful Suggestions
She needs to make a long list of places she might work and decide which are most realistic. She spends hours helping friends and neighbors with their problems, rather than working on her issue. Susan should read “When Helping You is Hurting Me,” an old book with solid suggestions to face the problem.
If you struggle with myopia, a lack of discernment or unwillingness to look at situations with different eyes, you must move towards the middle for decision-making.
Take a break. Spend alone time thinking quietly. Do something different today. Don’t let the discomfort scare you. Staying in a comfort zone stymies creativity and progress. Take a break to return with new ideas. Don’t sweat the healthy discomfort.
Simple Actions for Clarity
Try a new recipe. How about endive or escarole in your salad?
Take your computer to another room.
Attend a new volunteer activity.
Have coffee with someone you want to know better.
Sign up for a month of classes through Lynda.com.
Attend a free webinar.
Get a wild, new hair-do
See a funny movie
Stop worrying! Focus, focus, focus and open your eyes for clarity. Feel the discomfort. Progress often (maybe always) feels uncomfortable.