When my dog Sinder died in 2009, I was devastated but he was 16 and ready to go. Since my husband and I like to travel, he stated repeatedly, in a very loud voice, “No more dogs!” .
Sinder knew my name when I met him, calling me “Rooth, Rooth, Rooth,” at the McKinney SPCA, long ago. I knew there would never be another Sinder. But finally toward the end of 2010, my husband decreed I could get another dog, as long as he or she would be neutered (no problem), under 15 pounds (no problem), short haired (dog haircuts are as expensive as emeralds) and under five years old.
The husband really didn’t want me to purchase another dog, so I encouraged him to look online for this very special animal. He found six pictures and I chose one to visit. We drove about 100 miles to see this dog. “Better take a collar and leash with you,” the loved one uttered. No, I wasn’t going to get the first dog I saw, but I took the leash.
If you are not familiar with dog rescue groups, they are wonderful. The members foster the dogs until someone purchases the dog, which has been neutered and “chipped.” If the dog bolts and someone takes him to the vet or SPCA, the owner can be contacted. The new dog weighed about 10 pounds, age one with short hair, and house trained. He fit the husband’s requirements.
This shy, little dog was bigger than the rest. He walked around behind me, put his paws on my back: I was smitten! He shook most of the way home. The foster family called him Ledger. Didn’t fit! He didn’t look like Heath Ledger (deceased singer) or have an accounting degree. “I wonder if he’ll be a good traveler? I wonder how far he’ll go with us,” I thought. That’s it! I named him Far-Go.
Fargo is much loved; we could have named him Mr. Personality. He’s not the best behaved dog I’ve ever owned. He thinks of his stomach constantly, hates rabbits and is not fond of dogs until properly sniffed. He loves to play with his stuffed toys, working diligently to get the squeaker out and distribute the “guts” of the toy throughout the house.
I taught Fargo to lie down, sit, play dead, and roll over. He is very particular about arranging his little baby blankets in a circle when he sleeps. Funny dog! Great friend! Even the husband loves him.
Lessons Learned
- When your dog dies, the next dog may be wonderful, but certainly not the same. If we translate that to the business world, if you lose your job or hate your boss, the next one definitely won’t be the same.
- If you want an animal, know what will work with the family. Define and focus. Know what you want. Ask good questions.
- Animals have quirks but can be trained. Learn quickly what you can and cannot do to cope with the new reality. You are in training when you get a new manager. Watch the personality traits and accommodate. Be flexible.
- Is the new animal beyond what you can live with? Find out history, if possible. Research the company. If the atmosphere is unbearable, start looking for the new gig, as life is too short to stay unhappy. Interviewing is two way.
- Traveling with a dog is a hassle. Managing management is sometimes a hassle.
- Waiting for the right dog may never happen. Listen to your instinct about whether you should take a new job or stay with the known. Don’t be fearful, especially if you are unhappy with your current situation.
Change is inevitable but you can become ill from too much stress. Getting a new animal in the family is like finding a new job. You need to define carefully what you want with input from those who love and understand you. It may take awhile…but you can do it!
Ruth Glover writes articles to on a variety of topics: many help with career and job change. Some are about fascinating people and places. She is a former recruiter and helps people with the many aspects of moving forward.