Audie Murphy Day in Small Town Texas

When “the loved one” said he wanted to attend Audie Murphy Day in Farmersville, I questioned his wisdom. Why would he want to go to a small town to honor a World War II veteran? What attracted him to the event? He mentioned a “fly-over” at 10:00 a.m. on June 27.
Audie Murphy remains a significant hero. I read, with interest, about his life and accomplishments. Recognized as the “…most decorated U.S. combat soldier of World War II. Among his 33 awards and decorations was the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for bravery that can be given to any individual in the United States of America, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.” Born in 1925 he joined the military at age 17 by lying about his age. He advanced through perseverance and bravery. After the war he struggled before becoming an actor, poet, speaker and proficient poker player.
Audie suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome before the term became popular. He spoke to groups about his war-related issues to bring awareness to the public. He owned his own airplane, dying in flight at age 45 on a blustery day over Roanoke, Virginia.
The Fly-Over and Parade

The three planes in the fly-over failed to buzz the crowd, creating less than adequate photos to share. I think the double-decker winged plane was a Sopwith Camel. The planes caused as much excitement as fireworks.
Children and adults distributed flags to wave. People shouted greetings to each other. The parade lasted almost 45 minutes. Veterans rode in old military vehicles, on hay wagons and tractors. Allis Chalmers and John Deere puttered along the path. Motorcyclists, kids, a noisy marching band and high-strutting horses converged in the town center.

The mixture or kids, adults and aged Vets offered a cross-section of people enjoying the parade.
A short program to honor all the Veterans was held in the open-air Onion Shed near the center of town. The Audie Murphy Club from Fort Hood attended the program.
Small Town Texas
Farmersville is a quaint town of less than 3400 people, per a 2011 report. With several antique stores, gift shops and other retail shops, I take out-of-town visitors for a birds-eye view of one of my favorite, small towns. On recent visits to Farmersville I found tempting treasures to bring home with me. On this trip I discovered a beautiful paperweight.
We ate at Charlie’s Old-Fashioned Burgers on Route 78 across from the high school. I ruined my attempt to eat healthy with a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, while others munched their hamburgers, all cooked to perfection.

If you missed Audie Murphy Day, think about visiting Farmersville on the 4th of July. “Farmers and Fleas Market” takes place the first Saturday of each month in the Onion Shed. If you want to enjoy a Texas small town, bring your grocery bags and a little money to spend for fresh vegetables and flea market finds.
With all the discussion about flags flaunting hatred, the Audie Murphy event showed how to honor our heroes with dignity and joy. Let’s hear it for our country’s Veterans! Let’s thank the people who worked diligently to plan this cool event for a hot Saturday. And let me order two slices of tomato for a healthier lunch on my next exploration to small town Texas.
This article is dedicated to my favorite Viet Nam Vet, whose memories linger of the smells and shells of a war with many controversies. May your 4th of July bring fun to you and your family as we celebrate our freedom.