From Dreadful to Delightful
Exercise Can Be Fun
Friends from the past heard me say how much I hate exercise. I don’t mind it much anymore. I love my Silver Sneakers class in nearby Murphy, Texas.
If the 86-year-old, white-haired lady with glitzy tennis shoes can dance to the loud rock-and-roll music, I can shake my booty, too. My bet is many in the class have arthritis and creak when they rise in the morning. Some suffer from serious long-term ailments. A few members in our large class have had serious hospitalizations but they return.
The group meets once a month for a meal at a nearby restaurant. Friendships evolve. A new member accidentally shares she is a former French teacher; we plan to meet after Thanksgiving to hear more our trips to France. She worked in Nimes when she was young, similar to my past in Chambon-sur-Lignon. New friends include women from other countries and from all over the US. My Packer shirt attracts new friends from Wisconsin. My next-door neighbor attends, where we catch up, when possible, since we rarely visit over the fence. All good.
Several of us met with a member who is recuperating from a major operation for lunch. Another member eating on the other side of the restaurant finished and joined us. No politics but with details of their travels and travails. Friendships grow.
Donning gym clothes becomes a challenge in the morning since I quake if the weather is below 65 degrees, but my day is always better for it. The muscles become more limber, I’m not gaining weight, I’m more cheerful, and I’m making new friends, all kinds of new friends. I love it. Dancing with friends? What fun!
Listen to me, even if you hate exercise, try something new. Swimming? Yoga? Maybe, the instructor plays loud rock-and-roll and you love to dance. Maybe you need to strengthen your arms for putting the turkey in the oven. Maybe your back is killing you, but the doctor says you are fine. If you are able, you need to keep exercising. My bet is, you can do it with added bonus of new friends.

P.S. The class contains about 10% male members.
I don’t know them. We smile at each other as we gyrate to the music.
Thanks go to Elena for taking the photos.