Getting wet to vote is vitally important on Election day this year. In Dallas, the rain may be excessive, according to the weather sages. Floods, lightening, rude people on the road…who needs it? Dallas expects rain tomorrow. We need it, yet it may severely affect the voter results.
If you already voted, you can stop reading. If you have not yet voted, you may need to wear your raincoat, take an umbrella or even wear boots. I don’t care whether you are red or blue, male or female, married or gay, you need to vote.
Have you read about the race for Governor? Don’t you think it’s curious the national news comments are slim to none concerning that race? Two minorities! A divorced female and a man in a wheelchair! I find it fascinating the amount of dirty laundry they both drug through the mud. Perhaps the national news media refuses to look at a race in a supposedly supremely red state. They expect Wendy Davis to lose. No news there.
However, if you don’t vote and Ms. Davis motivated many to register and act upon their Blue values, Greg Abbott could be upset in more ways than the number of votes.
As I listened to the commentator from Texas, he squawked on and on about the condition of the Republicans and how a good showing for Wendy would affect their party. Is that true? Do people in Maine care what the Republicans are doing in Texas? They care about the enormous snow banks to ford on the road to vote tomorrow. Other states may face nasty weather too.
I don’t want anyone on the way to vote to drown in one of the gushing creeks which might flood, but getting a little wet will not hurt you. Getting wet to take advantage of our freedom to choose is important.
Please vote! Please vote! PLEASE VOTE!