The other day a bright, young lady, a neighbor, age 19, told me her life plan. She explained in detail she will become a physician, marry, and birth two children. Her intentions are admirable and possible but surprises often interfere with our plans.
When I asked one of my grand-daughters if she is looking forward to the next step in her education she answered with a strong “No, I don’t want to grow up.” Is it fear or is she having too much fun? Fun and fear are intertwined frequently.
Career Change
My first book, “MORE than a Paycheck: Inspiration and Tools for Career Change,” shared twenty stories about people who changed careers or jobs. As a recruiter and outplacement consultant I saw people often trapped in unhappy job situations. When people are laid off they go through a grief process, which can last too long in the anger or sadness. “MORE than a Paycheck” gives people role models for career transitions. The stories resonate with encouragement for the readers to put their fears into a large paper bag and dump the bag in the trash. Some kicked and screamed when their jobs evaporated, never to return. They had to take action or lose their homes and sometimes families.
If you know someone who could profit from “MORE than a Paycheck,” you can order the paperback book on my website at a discounted rate. Order the book or e-book online on Amazon or other e-book site for about the same price. It makes a nice gift for people changing jobs or for a graduation present.
Gift of the Suitcase
I am excited to announce my upcoming book, “Gift of the Suitcase,” which shares the inevitable changes in life such as relocating, facing a divorce or experiencing other critical situations.
My new book launches within the next eight to ten weeks. Since I don’t have an exact date from the publisher yet, I cannot take pre-orders for “Gift of the Suitcase.”
This book begins with a gift from my parents for college graduation. I received a large suitcase and a plane ticket to France for a summer job before I began teaching French. The story encapsulates the unexpected changes in my career and personal life. I wrote it as a gift for people who face similar issues. They make plans and the plans fall apart. We learn from these experiences or stay mired in muck.
Watch for details about my journey of unexpected changes. International travel is part of the story to grasp that loosing baggage may not be a loss. My website will be changing soon to share more information. The road through life is rarely a straight.