Friday I purchased a new version of Microsoft. Talk about frustration! I updated from 2003 to 2013. Do you think the learning curve frustrated me? Of course! Why, the week before Thanksgiving? I wanted to transfer the book I’m writing into one document, since I wrote each chapter as a separate file. I certainly knew the learning curve would frustrate me. How do you handle frustration?
During the holidays most of us try harder to please everyone. With events, entertainment, gifts, friends and family we go into a different mode, agitated by the items on our to-do list. How do you handle frustration? Let’s think about the topic to prevent unfortunate outbursts and irrational behavior.
Below are ways I’ve handled frustrations. I suggest you make your own list.
Which ways are useful?
___Put my head in the sand.
___Read a good book on the topic
___Seek a counselor
___Cry, wail and create scene
___Hold onto the situation, making everyone around me miserable
___Become irrational, not logical, refuse to listen
___Seethe and keep it inside
___Read the Bible or inspirational articles
___Retreat to the grocery or other cave
___Eat too much
___Blow up at someone, not the agitator
___Take the dog for a walk
___Talk it out with a friend or relative
___Define the issue
___Determine whether it’s my problem or another’s
___Go shopping
___Take a short trip, preferably to the ocean
___Prayer: give it to God
Depressed or Depression
First, let’s understand the difference between “feeling depressed” and depression. Sadness which lasts two or three weeks due to issues in your life is common. All of us succumb to periods of sadness, especially with any loss in our life. But if it lasts longer than three weeks or you feel like life is no longer living, you need to seek professional help NOW. But if the situation is simply frustrating, let’s look at valid ways to cope.
Whose Problem Is It?
Second, accept the things we cannot change. We can’t change Uncle John’s behavior or control it. Accept the fact we may be uncomfortable during his visit. Unless asked for advice, we can simply keep quiet. Create an appropriate script before you confront an issue rather than fester and explode. Know how you will handle the situation rather than intensify the possibility of harsh words. Accept the fact that Aunt Jessie will never get over her divorce.
A sense of humor can defuse a situation better than confrontation. If you need to discuss the subject, please do it in private, not in front of Aunt Millie or Cousin Sue.
Think about some of your issues. Are you trying to solve others’ issues? Is it my issue or yours? You may want someone to change, but can you?
Actions and Feelings
The holidays can be fun and fascinating. You may need to shed some tears about a recent death in the family or illness, but make the best of the holidays. Reality often hurts, but try to show a happy face and you’ll be surprised watch what happens. Much of the time your actions come first and then the feelings.
Finally, after many YouTube videos of instruction about Microsoft 2013, I sought help from my techie-husband. After I promised to listen carefully, we managed to accomplish the task at hand with no hurt feelings or hostility, thank goodness!
Last year a good friend died. Here are a couple of lines she shared with her circle of family and friends during the last part of her life:
“See a sunrise. Listen to the rain. Trust life. Have faith. Enjoy. Make mistakes. Learn from them. Explore the unknown. Celebrate life.*
* Thanks to Cindy Colangelo
Please join us Monday, December 1 at the Carrollton Job Focus Group at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, located at 4000 Midway Road (corner of Midway/Plano Parkway) at 10:00 a.m. The group, for unemployed, under-employed and people considering alternative careers meets weekly on Monday mornings.
Leave inspired with new ideas for Moving Forward! Prepare for the New Year while you network during the holidays.
Please join us Monday, December 1 at the Carrollton Focus Group at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, located at 4000 Midway Road (corner of Midway/Plano Parkway) at 10:00 a.m. The group, for unemployed, under-employed and people considering alternative careers meets weekly on Monday mornings.
Leave inspired with new ideas for Moving Forward! Prepare for the New Year while you network during the holidays.
– See more at: https://ruthglover.com/#sthash.OaIjcNyx.dpuf