“Summertime and the Living is Eeee–zeee. Summertime and the Livin’ is Freee.” Can you hear me singing that wonderful song? I hope not… singing is not one of my talents. My summer writing series begins today!
Books for Writers
Check my new page for MORE Books, listed on the drop-down list on the Book tab for the current list. My favorite is Elizabeth Sims book, “You’ve Got a Book in You.” Three authors offer divergent advice to encourage writers. Mr. Hart is a journalist. Ms. Sims is an Editor for Writers Digest, a fantastic resource for writers. And did you know Stephen King tells about his writing career? By reading all three books I realize, more than ever, the challenges of creating style and voice. All urged the reader to diligently learn from mistakes. It would be so much easier to throw the computer out the window because of competition and rejection.
Books for Travelers
Later, I want to provide a few favorite titles for your pleasure. Although writers must read to be good writers, any of my readers may appreciate suggested titles. I would double my reading time, if I could.
Since I’m a Francophile, I adore books about France. I may suggest a mystery or fiction book taking place in Paris or other French location to whet your appetite for future exploration or vicarious vacations from reality. I doubt I’ll recommend travel books as you know how to find them in your library or bookstore.
Books for Change
Career books help change lives. I want to suggest new, enticing books to encourage you to keep moving forward!
Books for Relaxation and Reflection
Summer is a time for rest and reflection. Watch for MORE books to appear to keep you moving forward. Books are an investment in you.