When I moved to a smaller town a little over a year ago, my life changed dramatically. Although the relocation entailed only a 20 mile ride to Plano, I changed my career, my address, my church, and needed to make new friends. I knew that networking pays off, not only for job seekers.
I hightailed it to the Sachse, Texas (population about 20,000) Library. If you know me at all, you know I adore books and words. Wow! The library is dinky, compared to other suburban libraries, but getting a library card stood about third on my “to do” list. First, groceries, second, find a church. In fact, I may have had my library card before my husband and I joined a small, local congregation. But…I digress.
Accidentally I found a mystery, written by a local writer named Reavis Z. Wortham at the library. He grew up in East Texas. I researched his background and found him on LinkedIn. Hmmm! I’d like to hear how he became a writer. I loved the book. A humorous, easy read with a good plot. Timidly I asked him to connect, and he accepted. I thanked him and told him that I was starting a writers group in Sachse through the library, promising to stay in touch.
I joined the “Friends of the Library,” an arm of their volunteers which offers programs to help the library with “extras,” not in the budget. The library needs plenty of extra money as the librarians still complete little cards by hand to put in a pocket in the front of the books showing due date.
I contacted Reavis to see if he would speak for a special event to raise money for the library. As it happened, he released the fourth book in his Red River Mystery series in August. His customized presentation talks about his latest book, titled Vengence Is Mine, plus he’ll talk about how he left a successful Communications Director position with the Garland ISD to write full time. So please join us for Reavis Writes Again. I’m eager to hear him speak, make a little money from donations at the presentation and network with others. (See details below.)
Reavis Writes Again
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Sachse Public Library, 3815 Sachse Road, Sachse, TX 75048
Between Garland and Wylie, east of Highway 78
Open to the public. No admission charge or reservations necessary. Refreshments and doorprizes.
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