Who are your role models?
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders,
but they have never failed to imitate them.”
Who are your role models? Have you thought about that? Was it a parent, a teacher or rock star whom you wanted to emulate? Did your dad take you to work with him periodically? Do you know who influenced your career most significantly? Do you remember your very first paycheck?
Are you a role model for your children? Is Mommy so overworked she can’t make it to her son’s band concert or is Dad so overwhelmed he never comes home until 8:00 p.m.? What message does that send to your kids?
As a recruiter and outplacement consultant, I saw many people unwilling to let go of anger when laid off, scared they would not find another similar job. I wrote MORE than a Paycheck to provide role models, 20 short stories, to be exact, to help people see they don’t necessarily need to change careers to find the next opportunity.
Let’s look at the first chapter, or story, in the book. Carl’s story moves his career from sales to marketing and publishing. When he got bored or unexpectedly laid off, he demonstrates flexibility to find the next step in his career. Instead of competing with the same people for the same jobs, he moved his family a few times to achieve MORE than a paycheck. Wasn’t easy, but it paid off!
I wrote for people who could use a few swift kicks to move their careers forward. I want you to see you, too, can earn MORE than a paycheck.

Today MORE than a Paycheck became available in e-book formats for all devices. You can purchase it at IBooks, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and from other distributors. It’s far less expensive than the print copy. Just search online for MORE than a Paycheck by Ruth Glover. The complete title is MORE than a Paycheck: Inspiration and Tools for Career Change.
MORE than a Paycheck
Now available in all e-book formats!