Sachse Public Library-Special Event
Footsteps to Mysteries

Reavis Z. Wortham knew he wanted to be a writer from the time he was 10, living in East Texas, where he hunted and fished for fun in the woods. He’ll talk about the footsteps he took on the road from a 30+year career in public education to becoming the critically acclaimed author of the Red River Mystery Series. A few years ago he retired as the Director of Communications at the Garland Public Schools with no hesitation in moving forward with his passion for writing. His awards and recommendations from noted authors and producers keep him writing thoroughly enjoyable, realistic southwest mysteries. Through personal stories and anecdotes, Wortham will discuss his own journey, through the process of writing and publishing that book we all have inside. He’ll preview his latest book Vengence is Mine: A Red River Mystery. You can read details about his latest book at
Other Reavis Wortham Books:
The Rock Hole: A Red River Mystery
Burrows: A Red River Mystery
The Right Side of Wrong: A Red River Mystery
Doreen’s 24 Hr Eat Gas Now Cafe
He’ll share where he finds his characters and why his latest mystery has a touch of Las Vegas added to his East Texas cronies. He knows how to tell a good story, both online, on paper and in person. You won’t want to miss meeting him. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how he works with the Poison Pen Publishing Company for the next book to amuse and entertain his readers.

Date: October 7, 2014
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: 3815 Sachse Road, Sachse, TX
Come early. Bring a friend and your neighbors.
Door prizes and refreshments will be available.
You do NOT need to live in Sachse to attend this free presentation.