I met Cindy 15 years ago. She worked in relocation when I managed a project for Texas Instruments, which involved relocating people from Thailand for training. I needed temporary housing for a wild, but brilliant, young group of engineers, arriving in the U.S. Her company provided housing.
Cindy and I continued to cross paths. Soon after her second son was born, she developed breast cancer. I am a survivor and assured her people can live long after diagnosis and treatment. She and I built a long term friendship. We walked in the Komen-Race-for-the-Cure for years. When she left real estate, I helped her with career decisions. When I wrote a book a few years ago, Cindy became a “cheerleader” for me and a chapter in MORE than a Paycheck: Inspiration and Tools for Success.
She never regretted leaving her corporate job, quickly pivoting into new leadership roles in non-profits. But cancer attacked again about four years ago. She went through chemo and radiation the second time. The doctors eradicated the beast within her.
Her positive attitude and friendly smile became a role model for all her friends and relatives. She spoke nationwide to groups about cancer and her “dance in the rain,” becoming more entrenched in the Susan G. Komen organization. When we had lunch in December 2010, she beamed with the knowledge she beat the beast again. However, in January 2011 she found another lump. The PET scan showed the cancer metastasized, startling her with realization that life would be shorter but convincing her she could live by finding the right maintenance treatment.
Cindy felt she extended her life to help researchers find a cure for cancer. Her willingness to try a variety of drugs, some which made her very weak, others which caused blisters on her feet, advanced the “the cause.”
Her bravery astounded all who knew her. Doctors tried at least five different experimental treatments. A month ago, she was told, no more treatment would help.
Her breathing became labored with the cancer growing in her lungs. And what did she do? She had a party! She invited all her friends to a giant party to demonstrate her faith and resilience in the face of the challenge. People stood in line an hour at her home to hug her and wish her well on her journey “home.”
Doctors thought she would die in a few days, but she outwitted the doctors one more time. I think she wanted to be there the day Tony started 10th grade. She made it. Her husband, two sons, her family from Florida, her sister who stayed with her, all knew she was not afraid to die.
Some of you may not be believers but if there are angels, she’s already made it to that level. She didn’t have to wait to be promoted.
I’m sharing her story to encourage you to be a role model for people in your life. You never know when the smile you give someone may be the high point of the day. You never know when the new person in the neighborhood may impact your life significantly.
Who are your role models? And who will be honored he or she knows you, when you have your last challenge? Today is the first day of the rest of you life, as they say. Be a role model. Make a new friend. Call it networking, if you want, but your life will be enriched when you reach out to others, forming relationships, not just finding help for your journey.
Cindy Colangelo spoke to the JOB Group at CusterRoadMethodistChurch last fall. The presentation was “How to Dance in the Rain.” I am honored to have “danced in the rain” with her.