Surprises at the Community Market Place
by Ruth Glover

I am a Volunteer for the upcoming Community Market at my church on October 20 from nine to four at the First United Methodist Church of Sachse. For years the church has invited vendors in the area to show their products, arts, crafts and services in the fall. I had a booth last year to sell my books. This year I convinced my Sachse-Wylie Authors Gro we should sell books and recruit new members at the event.
The Volunteer Coordinator for the event works full time during business hours when potential vendors are working. She sent emails to the vendors from last year but many had commitments for the October date. I know, as a former recruiter and business owner, that sending emails is not the only way to make a sale. So I put on my “sales hat” to help recruit vendors for the fair, not engineers, like I found in my former life.

A jewelry maker becomes excited when I contact her. A joyful vendor explains her yard sign business is growing like bluebonnets in the spring.
One “strange” thing happened to a fellow Volunteer. Smooth talker, she convinces a potential vendor to meet her to get the payment and registration confirmed. He must have checked her Facebook page as he asked her to lunch. When she said she would not be available, he never showed up. She found another vendor to replace that guy.
Yesterday I ran a few errands on Ballard Street in downtown Wylie. I stopped by the Wylie quilt shop to tell the kind owner I had not heard from her referrals for me. She ushered me to the back room where a gaggle of women worked on sewing projects, letting me announce the upcoming Community Market. They felt like new friends.
I enjoy meeting these people online, on the phone and in person. We want the crowd to meet the business owners with their innovative products and crafts. Jewelry, repairs, cookware, cleaning products—all good! It’s an opportunity to know your neighbors.

Mark Saturday, October 20 on your calendar. Find holiday gifts and discover the cool people with small businesses in your area. I’ve heard a rumor about a Food Truck in the parking lot. The booths are inside at the First United Methodist Church of Sachse at 1520 Blackburn in Sachse, near the Walmart. Come rain or shine!