The Sound Response: A “Listicle”


A fascinating challenge was posed by Professor Jane, in our local writers’ group . What sound do we like to hear? I love music. Would that qualify? How will others respond? I decided to do a little research.

On my FaceBook page I asked my friends and followers what their favorite sounds are. I never know if I’ll be ignored or  have a crowd respond. The response to this brought friends I hadn’t expected online.

Sixteen people responded. One from Canada. One I hadn’t heard from in years. Two, from California.

A quick analysis of the answers:

· 2-Baby laughs

· 3-Rain and storms

· 3-Family voices, especially kids and teenagers

· 3-Ocean wave sound

· 1-X-rated

· 1-Popular classical music (me)

· 1-Birds singing

· 1-Cat purring

· 1-Silence & cleats on sidewalk

· 1-Piano music

I know most of the sixteen participants through church activities where I’ve lived.

Only one person “liked” it. Only two men responded; one was my husband.

What did I learn? I’m not sure. And why did I think this was so intriguing? I think what it said to me is I don’t listen to classical music enough, and I’d be less stressed, if I did more listening!

The idea for a “listicle” came from an article on, a useful, educational online e-zine for writers’ insights, and a place to post in many different categories.