“I have no time to write. I love to write but I just don’t have the time right now.” I’ve heard that excuse over and over. Whether you are a truck driver, a stay-at-home parent, an executive with long hours, a purchasing agent or retired, you fill our days. If you want to write, you must find time to write. If you schedule time daily, you are more likely to write, but it’s incredibly challenging. Why?
My fulltime job is writing, yet I write only two or three hours a day and I don’t have another paid position. Why am I writing so few hours?
-Phone calls and family distractions, even with a closed door.
-Volunteer projects
-Social time with friends and family
-Doctor and dental appointments, errands
-Hobbies and TV time
Slow start
Reavis Z. Wortham spoke at the local library last week. His rejections over the years could wallpaper his office. Yet he followed his passion, writing part time until he could write full time, after accepting early retirement. Finally, his slow start evolved into having an agent, Poisined Pen Press as his publisher, and six books in print.
Michael Hyatt, whose tagline is “Helping Leaders Leverage Influence,” published an eloquent article last week, titled “The Hidden Blessings in a Slow Start.” I urge you to read the entire article. I loved the paragraph that says:
“Whenever we’re tempted to fume or badmouth a slow start, it’s important to remember that the very challenges we face help us build the personal and organizational foundation we need for long term success. Without it, we’re all tree and no roots. When a straight-line wind hits us, we’ll eventually topple.”
What he said in that online article spoke to me. Maybe we need not be so hard on ourselves about the possibility of not meeting our self-emposed deadlines. My top priority is family, but I should not forget personal goals. All of us need to examine our issues to see what is real and what is not. What are our priorities? Can we shuffle the cards, at least for a few days or months? Can we show more self-discipline?
I’m my own boss and so are you! If you want to write, you must adhere to your plans and guidelines, if possible. My “boss” is furious with me this week, yet I may go to a movie tonight. When I ask myself why I let interruptions intervene, I realize fear plays a role. I’m nearing the end of the first draft of a book I’m writing. I’m over my head with more questions than answers. My plan is to complete this phase by the end of this month. Time will tell if I can hide my fear under the futon, avoid the phone, the internet and all other distractions. The challenges of revising, editing and looking for a publisher make me shutter, but whose fault is it I wrote only one chapter this week?
If you have a book in you, look carefully into why you are not writing. Try to find a specific time to fit your busy schedule. Promise yourself to write at least three pages a day… somehow, some way! Do you have time to write? My bet is you could prioritize, deposit your fear under the nearest bush, and slowly arrive at the finish line.
Note: If you live near Sachse, TX and want to visit our writers group, aptly titled the Sachse-Wylie Authors Group, we meet at 6:30 the third Tuesday of each month at the Sachse Public Library. You are welcome to visit the group to see if you’d like to join. Our next meeting is 10/21/14.