You hang up the phone in disbelief. You didn’t get the job. You feel like someone hit you in the stomach. This was the perfect job. You’re screaming, “I’m so angry! I can’t stand this.” How will you overcome this travesty? Devastation reigns in the moment! You plummet into the abyss of job search rejection.
I could tell you to “get over it,” but let’s twist the situation into opportunity.

What did you learn in the process? Call the recruiter. Likely, you won’t hear any meaningful feedback but you might as well ask. Granted, the recruiter may not answer, but if you can entice the recruiter into a conversation, you can also ask if there are other positions which could fit. If you reach the recruiter, do not be belligerent. Be inquisitive, not angry. Recruiters document, especially about the angry candidates.
Thank you
Be sure to send a thank you note, whether you reach the recruiter for feedback or not. Everyone likes to be thanked. I don’t care if the thank you note is hand-written or an email, but do it! If you still want to work for the company, seeing your name again will help the people you met remember you. Don’t just thank the recruiter, thank the hiring manager. Share that you want to work with their company. Add why you hope the recruiter should contact you when the position becomes available again. Be friendly.
Social Network
Have you connected with the team members you met? If you collected business cards from everyone, you can send each a note through either LinkedIn, Google, Facebook or Twitter. Facebook is good for forming relationships. If you become a friend on Facebook you can see what your new friend likes or possibly where he or she eats regularly. Remember that “like-ability” is often number one in hiring decisions. Don’t be invasive but make a new friend, not just a business acquaintance.
Again and Again
Do not be fearful to try again with the same company. Maybe they will tire of you contacting them and realize they need to hire you! That, of course, can backfire, so you must be careful. I interviewed twice with the same company. When I saw a third opening, I took a deep breath, shunned my ego’s message and called again. I got the job! Looking back, the third job was a better match for all of us. I was prepared when asked, “Why would this one, rather than the other two, be the right position for you?”
Personal Insight
Use the rejection for personal examination. What challenges would you have faced? Did you truly fit the team? Were you dressed appropriately? You must realize that you are closer to the yes with each rejection, but it’s difficult. Set a time limit to feel bad about the rejection, then review your marketing plan. Where have you had the most traction? Where did you feel the most comfort when interviewing? What do you really want to do? Are you on track? Do you need to revise the target companies on your list as a result of this rejection?
Our system of hiring is often irrational. Maybe no one ever read your resume. You didn’t have a chance. To limit your pity party, do something nice for yourself and repeat after me: “They were foolish not to hire me. I am closer to the right job now.” After you walk, go to the gym or visit to the zoo, it’s time to move forward. Rejection in job search is part of your future success!